Come let me clerk for you, my love,
And we will all the rumors prove:
That I would travel round the globe
For just one peek beneath thy robe.
And I will read thru evry brief
As thru a naughty mag Id leaf.
And with your smile, ever so toothy,
Youll call me Mike, and I you Ruthie.
And Ill reread your sweet opinion
Right from U.S. v Virginia,
And in my eyes youll clearly see
My love for sex
Our hearts will be put to the test,
And your benchmates might this protest;
But if he should say something crass,
Ill gladly kick Scalias ass.
My love for you, 'tis deep as Hades,
So if youd just ignore my grades,
Then to D.C. Id gladly move
To clerk for thee and be thy love.